Thursday, June 20, 2013

Takin' Care of Business

And I hope you sang that title in your head like I just did.

So today is the day where I give you the Coming Soon post that says what I'm reading right now and what book you should expect the next review to be over. But today, I really wanted to change it up. See, I like posting on Thursdays. There's just something so wonderful about Thursdays and I'm hoping to continue to post on these days. But, I can't read a book a week (I mean, I physically can, but life is busy, man) so there's this awkward Thursday in between reviews.

Basically, I want to do something fun on the Thursdays that I won't post a review on and I'm looking for suggestions! So let me know what you guys think you'd want to see, because really, it's all about you fantastic people! Comment with ideas and I'll check them out!

So now:
Coming Soon:

A review on Cat Patrick's book, The Originals (released on May 7, 2013). Here's a quick synopsis from Amazon. Expect the review next Thursday, June 27.

17-year-olds Lizzie, Ella, and Betsey Best grew up as identical triplets... until they discovered a shocking family secret. They're actually closer than sisters, they're clones. Hiding from a government agency that would expose them, the Best family appears to consist of a single mother with one daughter named Elizabeth. Lizzie, Ella, and Betsey take turns going to school, attending social engagements, and a group mindset has always been a de facto part of life...

Then Lizzie meets Sean Kelly, a guy who seems to see into her very soul. As their relationship develops, Lizzie realizes that she's not a carbon copy of her sisters; she's an individual with unique dreams and desires, and digging deeper into her background, Lizzie begins to dismantle the delicate balance of an unusual family that only science could have created. 


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