Thursday, July 18, 2013

Best Supporting Character... The Nominees Are... (a list by Annie)

So today I want to talk about my favorite sidekick characters in YA fiction. You know what I'm talking about, the witty best friend who is just as important as the actual main character. This is one of my favorite characters, especially since authors are able to have more freedom writing them. Does that make sense? This character doesn't have the responsibility of saving the world or beating the bad guy, but they're along for the ride and somehow always have a big hand in saving the day. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but sometimes, I almost love the best friend more than I love the protagonist.

These are the people I'd like to have as my personal BFF! In no particular order, of course, I'm an equal opportunity kind of gal.

-Macy, Bex, and Liz from Ally Carter's Gallagher Girl series-

I had to group them together because I know that if I separated them, I could go on for days talking about how awesome they are. They don't mess around, and since they're spies, I'm glad they don't. Besides being super loyal to their best friend (and the story's heroine),Cammie, they're intelligent, full of girl power, and ready to kick butt- they do a lot of that. Each has her own specialty, but they're at their strongest when they work together. These girls encompass everything that is team work.

-Vee Sky from Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush Hush series-

Okay, so Vee doesn't do too much to save the world (unless something happens in the last book, idk I'm not caught up yet), but her personality is what puts her on the list. She's all attitude and boy crazy and really, she's a good friend to Nora. She adds spice to the books. Vee is also Nora's other half, everything Nora isn't, Vee is and vice-versa. It's the perfect balance that cements their friendship and it's fun to read.

-Patrick and Sam from Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower-

Do I even have to explain why I love these characters so much? They take the lonely Charlie under their wing and show him what friendship means. They give him the chance to see what life is really about, without judgement and cruelty, they stand by him through better or worse. Must I say more? Read the book, watch the movie- they're both spectacular beyond words.

-Lilly Moscovitz from Meg Cabot's Princess Diaries series-

Yes, Meg seems to be a recurring theme in my lists, but she deserves every mention. Lilly. Lilly. Where do I even begin? She's an activist for basically every cause that needs a voice. She's immature and borderline annoying at times, but she makes up for it by supporting Mia a good 95% percent of the time. And to top it all off, she's described as having a bit of a pug face (therefore, she's my absolute favorite). There are a lot of things that can be said about Lilly, but she's Mia's best friend, and no matter how much they disagree with each other, they're still best friends. That's true friendship, guys.
Also, super honorable mention to Miss Tina Hakim Baba. She knows exactly what Mia's going through since she also has a bodyguard that follows her around everywhere, and she's the best person to talk to about romance novels. Plus, she's kinda hysterical.

-Last but not least, and this goes without saying, but it wouldn't be a friendship list without Ron and Hermione.  We all know they're literally the best kinds of friends that you can have and we also know that I don't have to explain myself on this one. If you don't agree, shame on you.

So that's the list. I could go on for days, but I had to shorten it before it got too overwhelming (for the both of us). And, sorry if your favorite's not on the list, feel free to add them in the comment section. I really would love to see what characters you guys would love to have as a best friend.

Here's what I'm reading for next week's review (synopsis from Amazon):
Firecracker by David Iserson

A hilarious tragicomedy from New Girl and SNL writer David Iserson! 

Being Astrid Krieger is absolutely all it's cracked up to be.

She lives in a rocket ship in the backyard of her parents' estate.

She was kicked out of the elite Bristol Academy and she's intent on her own special kind of revenge to whomever betrayed her. 

She only loves her grandfather, an incredibly rich politician who makes his money building nuclear warheads.

It's all good until...

"We think you should go to the public school," Dad said.

This was just a horrible, mean thing to say. Just hearing the words "public school" out loud made my mouth taste like urine (which, not coincidentally, is exactly how the public school smells). 

Will Astrid finally meet her match in the form of public school? Will she find out who betrayed her and got her expelled from Bristol? Is Noah, the sweet and awkward boy she just met, hiding something?

Look for it next Thursday. Also, don't forget to add your nominee for best supporting character! Have a lovely week!


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