Thursday, April 3, 2014

Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins

(5/5 stars)

This book sang the song of my people, no joke. I had heard so much praise about this book, which is what led me to pick it up (regardless of the cheesy title), and I can now join the fan club and cheer from rooftops about my love for Anna and the French Kiss.

What I liked: That is was scary relatable. How many of us have fallen for a person who is so completely unattainable? I've done it so much I've lost count. There were just so many times in this book where I felt like I was Anna because I've been in some of the same situations she was facing. Is he flirting or is he just really nice? Am I making this all up in my head? Been there, done that. But those aren't the only reasons I loved this book. The setting is phenomenal- I'm ready to pack my bags and head out to France this very instant. The entire voice of the book is charming and funny, and you really want to be Anna's best friend by the end of it. There are face palm moments, laugh out loud moments, and slam the book shut, did that just happen moments- all done with a light and quirky tone. Big fan. And I also really liked what the author did with the entire switching between Etienne and St. Clair symbolism. That was super cute.

What I didn't like: Dave. He really didn't have to be such a d-bag, I wouldn't have liked his character even if he was a decent guy (Anna/Etienne 5ever). And then I found myself frustrated with Etienne a lot, which was kind of the point... but still. His decision making stills aren't to be admired.

But what a great book! I can't stop talking about it to my poor roommate (sorry, Taylor), but it's one of those that I think everyone should read because they'll somehow be able to relate to it. It's a feel good book, full of warm fuzzies and joy. Read it, and love it as much as I do.



  1. haha I know right? The title is so terrible. I never would have picked it up if not for the high GR rating.
    Anna and St Clair are such an amazing couple! I really love the way Perkins built up their relationship :D
    Also, Etienne St Clair? COOLEST NAME EVER.

    Have you read Lola as well? Omg Cricket is such a sweetheart (even though he has such a terrible name in comparison...)

    1. YES! His name is so fitting and perfect!

      And I have read Lola, though I didn't like it as much as Anna (except for their little cameos haha), but I adored Cricket. Awful name, but such a sweet, awesome guy!

  2. "This book sang the song of my people" hahahhahhahahhah Ah, the are you friendly or are you flirty thing is the bane of my existence. Makes life way too hard. Great review, glad you liked it :)
