Thursday, April 10, 2014

Daughter of Smoke & Bone, by Laini Taylor

(4/5 stars)
(I love LOVE this cover)

Wow, what a beautiful book! It's just absolutely beautiful, from the front cover to the words on the pages. Let's just start with the opener: Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well. Ugh, that's a great first line! It just flows so well and encompasses the romanticism of the book, that was enough to capture my attention.

What I liked: The writing! Oh the writing! Wow, Laini Taylor has a way with words and that made her story completely come alive. Segue way into the world building- I've never read a book about chimaera and I loved that mythology a lot. The mythology was so different from what I was used to, so it was nice to get a fresh idea. The characters were vivid and a mix of different animals, and their personalities were really well done. The romance was decent. Like, there were times when I felt like it was going too fast, but it made sense, especially towards the end when I started putting everything together. Most of all, I loved the setting. Prague. Yes. I'm ready to read anything set in Prague. Gimme more Prague books, please! The description was so well done and I could see Prague so well and boy, was it magical. Laini Taylor really put a lot of romanticism into the setting and the words, which I totally appreciated!

What I didn't like: Okay, to be honest, I could have done without the last hundred pages. Sure, I found all the backstory with Madrigal extremely interesting, but having all of that in the end really pulled away from the story. Like I think it would do awesome as a short story, or if it was the beginning of the book. I just kept flipping through, wanting to get back to the action and what was going on with Akiva and Karou/her reaction to finding out about everything. I'm also really over the word "perfect" as a descriptor for a person, even if he is an angel. 

So basically, if you like pretty sentences that make you swoon and descriptions that will light your soul on fire, you should read this book.



  1. Isn't the writing incredible?!?! The sequel is even better :3

    1. I completely agree, her writing is phenomenal and I wish I could live in her words! If that even makes sense :P
